The article translate to English by: Youssef Mohammed
Artistic creativity differs by the deference of mosaic material, which is characterized by its special nature and effect. Different outstanding and hard materials resist time to remain as a witness to these beautiful art creations.
This art began to spread as one of the most important art murals, which are also associated with renaissance architecture and its progress. Mosaic Art was known in our country by the name of the Micro-mosaic.
As for the diversity and multiplicity of raw materials used, they range from raw natural stones, rocks, crystallized or glazed materials. They can be mixed up as appropriate in order to serve the idea of art. Colors of mosaic materials are multiple and include the primary colors, which are the red, blue and yellow. They also include secondary colors like orange, green and purple colors with varying multi-color degrees that allow the artist to use them just as he uses his oil colors, but in a different way, which is fixing on a hard surface. This artist needs a lot of patience, calmness and inspiration beside the experience and intensive skill.
After this preliminary introduction, which we had to start with in order to speak about the creative outstanding and unique Egyptian artist Saad Romani, who won international fame through his creative and unique approach, which is considered a quantum leap in this great art, and which gained a lot of appreciation and admiration from global mosaic artists and Art lovers in general. Such appreciation and admiration reached the degree of fascination.
Here we speak about the genius of innovation and performance, where our artist’s aesthetic imagination reminds us with the ancient Pharaonic Egyptian artist - the maker of first civilization in history.
The artist Saad Romani depicts historical topics as well as the modern visions like sceneries and movement of people with micro- mosaic with amazing accuracy. He may put hundreds of very small pieces in each inch, which reminds us with the Pointing School that picks up the flash of light.
We raise the hat and appreciate the artist Saad Romani, who pleased us and made us enjoy the renaissance of the beautiful face of this wonderful art.
Kamal El-jowaily
Chairman of the Egyptian Society of Fine Art Critics
This article is made in the middle of April 2010.